On a Saturday 17th September, a group of our year 5 and 6 boys attended the Rushcliffe Schools’ Football tournament. Continue reading “Rushcliffe School’s Football Tournament – Boys”
Author Archives: janettea
School Holiday and Assessment Dates
Gotham Primary Diary Dates Academic Year 2022-23
The above diary dates includes holidays, Inset days and key assessment dates.
The document below are the main holiday dates for the 2023 – 2023 academic year, there will be 4 more Inset days to add to this. They have not yet been agreed within school.
Chess Tournament
Congratulations to the members of the Chess Team who were able to attend the tournament at Nottingham High School. It was a new and exciting opportunity made possible by the weekly teaching of a parent – thank you! Mrs Kenny was extremely proud of you all!
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022
As part of our celebrations, every child in school created a triangle for our school bunting. This was then skillfully turned into bunting by Mrs Scott and given to the Village Jubilee Committee who will be putting it up around the recreation ground for the celebrations. Within school, we had our own party to celebrate the Queen’s amazing achievements. We had a 1950’s Street Party in the playground. We made cucumber sandwiches, decorated crown biscuits and played some traditional games. The year 6 children rewrote the words to ‘Que Sera Sera’ to update them and ensure that they considered diversity and equality. We all enjoyed singing our new version together. Thank you to all the staff and the Year 5 Jubilee Team.
Girls’ Basketball at Jesse Gray School
Thank you to Jesse Gray Primary School for inviting the girls’ year 5 and 6 basketball over for a coaching session and match. It was incredibly good fun and we all learnt a huge amount of new basketball knowledge. I was incredibly proud of the resilience, perseverance and positivity of the team. You were amazing!