Thank you very much to our visitors from Lloyds Bank for educating us about managing money and financial safety!
Section: Memories at GPS
Sycamore’s Guinness World Record Attempt!
Sycamore class enjoyed participating in the Times Table Rock Stars official Guinness World Record attempt for National Numeracy Day. We danced, sang and chanted our times tables along with thousands of others. The participation certificates are well deserved.
Well done, Year Six!
The faces of some enthusiastic and well-fed Year Sixes at our special SATs breakfast yesterday! Well done, Year Six; we are so proud of your exemplary attitude this week during your tests. You are all stars! A big thank you to staff and governors who helped this week.
Triangles in Maple Class
Investigating triangles and angles last week – I wonder what we discovered about the sum of a triangle’s internal angles?
The Merchant of Venice
Maple class enjoyed performing and responding to The Merchant of Venice.